10.25.2023 OMA Board Book

Understanding that the main pillar is “Medical Interventions”, it is not as descriptive nor does it read as cleanly to have the terminology of “Medical Management” versus “Medications”. Further, the terminology of “Medications” is a highly searched topic area on the OMA website and it additionally is a high usage search terminology word within the OMA Academy, therefore, the potential exists whereby learners may not as easily locate the specific medication-focused content in the OMA Academy. Based on data collected from the OMA’s educational offerings, the vast majority of the OMA’s learners report that they are practicing less than five years in the area of OM, thus it is essential that the OMA’s educational endeavors remain focused on this learner group. Finally, the use of the terminology of “Medical Management” while known by OM experts to include medications, may not be as self-explanatory to those clinicians who are new to OM. OMA’s Four Core Pillars Nomenclature Changes Execution Plan: Relative to any potential (fiscal or otherwise) concerns specific to the rollout of the new nomenclature, the OMA Education and Marketing staff members are already updating many of our products (thus the desire to finalize these decisions prior to the 10/25/2023 BOT Meeting) which was planned to occur anyway. As such, the Fall 2023 timeframe is ideal to institute these updates, as the following products will be updated accordingly: • Pocket Guidelines • SAP V1 Relative to many of the above products, we don’t reference the four pillars by name only. Our products have chapters and sections by specific subject matter areas versus by a specific pillar, so the changes (from a user perspective) should be relatively seamless. As an additional part of this plan, Elsevier will be notified of the nomenclature changes for the Obesity Pillars location of the Elsevier website to ensure alignment with the journal as well. Further, the OMA content calendar and content topics for 2024 are being finalized currently, therefore it is best to know now the final nomenclature of the four core pillars and sub-topics so the OMA staff can correctly finalize each topic area. Finally, the OMA staff are additionally already working on tagging content with an area of focus for the Spring 2024 Conference and they will also be updating the Fundamentals of Obesity Treatment content in the next month, all of which are influenced and informed by these nomenclature changes. • Pediatric SAP • Infographics • Practice questions • Adult and Pediatric Algorithms

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