12.18.23 OMA Board Book

OMA 2023

OMA Board of Trustees Board Meeting Book


Board of Trustees (BOT) Meeting December 18, 2023 5:00--8:00 PM ET

Zoom Information: https://obesitymedicine-org.zoom.us/j/89675317221?pwd=gKVET3kpmtHBYhpKu2kXI26yHR2s2Y.1 Meeting ID: 862 8880 9712 Passcode: 058906 Dial-In Information: 719-359-4580; 86288809712#

Presiding Officer: Dr. Angela Fitch



Lead Fitch



5:00 PM

Call to Order and Opening Remarks

5:01 PM 5:03 PM 5:05 PM

Roll Call


Approval of the Agenda

Fitch Fitch Fitch


2 – 3 6 – 15

Conflict of Interest Disclosures Approval of the Consent Agenda and Supporting Documents



16 – 36

5:10 PM 5:15 PM

Executive Session


Discussion, Vote

5:45 PM

FY2024 Budget Review



37 – 49

6:00 PM 2024 Committee Chairs, Members, and BOT Liaisons



50 – 59

Lazarus, Francavilla, and Auriemma


60 – 66

6:10 PM

AMA Updates

Obesity Pillars Updates

6:25 PM 6:45 PM

Bays, Cuda

Information Information

67 – 69

Corporate Council Meetings with EC and BOT for the following dates:



01/25/2024 5:00-6:00 PM ET 7/25/2024 5:00-6:00 PM ET

6:50 PM 2024 OMA Bylaws Communication Plan



71 – 87

7:05 PM

Nominating Committee Recommendations for 2024 Election Cycle Review of Bariatric Medical Surgical (BMS) Committee



88 – 93

7:15 PM

Shetye Fraker

Information, Discussion

94 – 149

Compensation Data and Associated Next steps Policy Committee Documents: 1) Corporate Partner Application 2) Exhibitor Terms and Conditions 3) Position Statement Policy 4) Speaker Agreement 5) Speaker Agreement Edits Project ECHO Launch Plan/Next Steps Call to Adjourn and Closing Remarks


Lazarus Fraker


150 – 167

7:45 PM



7:55 PM


Rules of Order Policy Board Approved September 2017

Rules of Order for Board Meetings Quorum: Our bylaws state that a quorum is present if the majority of the board is present.

Order of the day: Each meeting will have an agenda which will include points to discuss, old business and new business. The leader of the meeting is referred to as the “Chair.” This may be the chairman of the board, the president, or the highest-ranking officer present at the meeting. Items to discuss: All board members may submit items to discuss. These items must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled meeting. Items must be submitted electronically as editable Microsoft word documents. Items must include: the person (or persons, committee, etc.) introducing the item and the date of submission. Items should be marked as informational items (board updates), discussion items (not asking for action), or action items. For action items, the specific action being requested by the board should be clearly indicated. Late items: From time to time, items of critical importance may need to be introduced within 2 weeks of the board meeting. These items will be marked in the board book as “Late” and will only be discussed after a majority vote of the board to discuss the item. Motions: Introducing a main motion 1) The chair may call on the person responsible for the next order of business. Or, when no one else has the floor, a board member may address the chair by proper title. After recognition by the chair, the board member may make a motion. 2) To make a motion, state, “I move that…,” and state your motion. For example, “I move that we discuss item #4 regarding updating our travel policy…” Regarding the above items of business, the person who introduced the item of business and who’s name appears on the item of business should introduce the motion. 3) Another member may second your motion. A second simply means that the motion should be discussed. If the motion is not seconded, it is not up for discussion. It is not lost, as there has been no vote. 4) Only if there is a second, the chair states “It has been moved and seconded that…” (state the motion). “Is there any discussion?” 5) Only one main motion may be on the floor at a time. Discussing a motion 1) All speaking points should be limited to 3 minutes. This will be enforced with a timer, and an OMA staff person will be designated to monitor the timer. A different time limit (or no time limit) may also be used if requested by a majority of the quorum, either for a single item of business, or for the entire meeting. 2) The member who made the motion is entitled to speak to it first. 3) Every member may speak to the motion. Only the motion at hand should be spoken either for or against. Each member should clearly state whether they are speaking for or against the motion. 4) A person may not speak against their own motion (however, they can vote against their own motion). 5) All discussion should be directed towards the motion. Avoid using a person’s name during the debate. 6) All questions should be directed to the chair. 7) Each member may only speak to the motion twice; however, asking a question or a brief suggestion does not count as that person’s debate.

Rules of Order Policy Board Approved September 2017

8) A person may only speak a third time with the chair’s permission. 9) Only the person who introduced the motion may speak again at the end (even if this is a third time). Voting on a motion 1) Before a vote is taken, the Chair puts the question to a vote by saying “Those in favor of the motion that… (repeat the motion) … say ‘Aye.’ Those opposed say ‘No.’” 2) Wait, then say “The motion is carried,” or “The motion is lost.” 3) If a member is in doubt about the result, he or she may call for “division.” A division is a demand for a standing vote count. This may be show of hands or ballot. 4) A majority is MORE than ½ of the votes cast by persons entitled to vote (a tie does NOT carry because it is not a majority). 5) A confidential written vote may be requested by any member of the board during in-person meetings. This would not require a second. Subsidiary Motions 1. Amending a motion a. Any main motion or resolution may be amended by: adding at the end, striking out or inserting words, substitution. b. To amend a motion, during discussion, a member may say “I move to amend the motion by…” Another member must second this amendment. c. The chair asks “Is there any discussion on the amendment? [repeat amendment].” At this point, only the amendment is discussed. d. When discussion ceases, the Chair says “Those in favor of the amendment [repeat amendment] say ‘Aye.’ Those opposed say ‘Nay.’ e. At this point, the motion carries or not. The main motion (amended or not) can now be voted on, discussion can continue, or the motion may be amended again (by another motion). f. Note, even if an amendment is passed, the main motion has still not been voted on – a separate vote is required. 2. Postpone definitely / indefinitely a. When the assembly does not want to take a position on the main question at all (indefinitely) b. When the assembly wants to delay to a certain time (definitely) 3. Motion to substitute a. When the assembly wishes to substitute a new motion for the original motion. 4. Refer a. Sends a pending motion to a committee, etc. 5. Limit debate / Extend debate 6. Lay the motion on the table (tabling the motion) a. This is used to lay the pending question aside and move on with other business. This may be appropriate when there is a more urgent question at hand, scheduling issue (people invited to speak to the board), etc. Privileged Motions 1. Call for order of the day – a member can interrupt a speaker to call for sticking with the agenda. 2. Recess – used to request an intermission (does not end the meeting)

Rules of Order Policy Board Approved September 2017

3. Adjourn – used to end the meeting. 4. Fix the time to Which to Adjourn – sets the time at which the meeting will adjourn; any unfinished business is moved to the next meeting. Incidental Motions 1. Point of order – used when member feels rules are being violated. Member may interrupt a speaker to raise a point of order. 2. Appeal – used to challenge the chair’s ruling. 3. Suspend the rules – example – suspend the time limit, allow other discussions, etc. 4. Withdraw – permits the maker of the motion to withdraw it. 5. Point of information – requests to the chair to provide information relevant to business at hand. A point of information must be in the form of a question. 6. Objection to consideration of a question – suppresses business that is irrelevant or inappropriate and undesirable to be discussed. Other Main Motions 1. Take from the table – resumes consideration of a motion laid on the table earlier. 2. Reconsider – reopens a motion to debate that has already been voted upon in the same session. 3. Rescind or amend – something previously adopted Other Rules of Conduct: 1. Be prepared – Carefully review the complete board manual before the board meeting. 2. Communicate prior to the meeting – Many items can be resolved before the meeting, saving valuable time. Or, big ticket items can be identified and proper time allocated. 3. Freedom of movement – Board members are welcome to stand, sit, or use the facilities as needed. 4. Freedom of opinion – Board members are free to express their opinions, without fear of stigmatization or personal attack by other board members. 5. Respect – Board members are expected to treat each other respectfully. 6. Attention – Board members are expected to pay attention. This requires turning off cell phones and other distracting electronic devices. Board members are expected not to be texting, emailing or making personal calls (barring emergency or urgent situations) during meetings. 7. Conflict of interest – If a real or perceived conflict exists, a board member must disclose this. Depending on the conflict, if the other board members feel the conflict is not germane to the item being discussed, the member may be allowed to discuss and vote. Other options – member may be allowed to discuss but not vote. Member may be not allowed to discuss or vote. Or, member may be asked to leave the board room for the discussion. The board should determine the level of conflict and appropriate level of involvement by the conflicted member on the issue at hand.

Conflict of Interest Policy and Disclosure Statement

OMA Conflict of Interest Policy The Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) Board of Trustees must act at all times in the best interest of OMA. The purpose of this policy is to help inform the OMA, its members and leaders about what constitutes a conflict of interest, provide assistance in identification and disclosure of actual and potential conflicts, and help ensure the avoidance and resolution of conflicts of interest when necessary. This policy may be enforced as described below: 1. Board members have a fiduciary duty to conduct themselves without conflict to the interests of OMA. In these capacities, they must subordinate personal, individual business, third-party and other interests to the welfare and best interests of OMA. 2. A conflict of interest is a transaction or relationship which presents or may present a conflict between an individual’s obligations to OMA and the individual’s personal, business or other interests. a. Generally, a conflict of interest could be said to exist when individuals have material interests outside OMA which could influence them, or could be perceived as influencing them to act contrary to the best interests of OMA and for their own personal benefit or the benefit of a relative or business associate. If such conflict is identified, the individual is asked to extract themselves from voting on a motion. b. Frequently the type of interest resulting in a conflict would be financial, such as an individual who has an association with a third party through ownership interest, stock/bond holdings, a grant, an employment relationship, or a consultative or advisory arrangement. Examples include serving on a speakers’ bureau or advisory board, as well as receiving honoraria from a medical education company for CME presentations. NOTE: An individual’s employment by a pharmaceutical company involved in obesity, medical device company involved in obesity, supplement or food company involved in weight loss products, or other companies that could have the appearance of having a conflict of interest with OMA as determined from time to time by the OMA Board of Trustees are deemed to be direct conflicts of interest that would preclude the individual from serving as a member of the OMA Board of Trustees. c. In some instances a conflict of interest may exist even though the conflict does not arise out of financial considerations. For example, a member of the OMA Board of Trustees also may have a fiduciary responsibility as a member of the Board of Trustees or committee of another organization. If the interests of that organization were contrary to or in competition with the interests of OMA, a situation could exist in which the individual could not fulfill his or her fiduciary responsibilities to both organizations or may be disqualified as a board of trustee candidate during the nomination process. 3. All conflicts of interest are not necessarily prohibited or harmful to the OMA. However, full disclosure of all actual and potential conflicts, and a determination by the Board – with the interested individual recused from participating in debates and voting on the matter – are required. NOTE: some conflicts may lead to a disqualification during candidacy as determined by the OMA Nominating Committee. 4. All actual and potential conflicts of interest shall be disclosed by Board members through the annual disclosure statement and/or whenever a conflict arises. The disinterested members of the Board shall make a determination as to whether a conflict exists and what subsequent action is appropriate (i.e. require the person with the conflict to abstain from discussing or voting on matters involving the conflict, resign from office, etc.). 5. On an annual basis, all Board members shall be provided with a copy of this policy and are required to complete and sign the disclosure statement below. OMA will provide all members of the Board with copies of the disclosure statements for all members of the Board and will publicly list potential conflicts as part of the candidacy announcement. Note: A separate policy exists for all OMA Continuing Medical Education activities. Individuals participating in these activities are subject to the “OMA Policy for Commercial Support and Continuing Education Programs” and should complete the full disclosure statement developed solely for these activities.

Disclosure Statement I have read the OMA conflict of interest policy set forth above and agree to comply fully with its terms and conditions at all times during my service to OMA. If at any time following submission of this form I become aware of any actual or potential conflicts of interest, or if the information provided below becomes inaccurate or incomplete, I will promptly notify the OMA Executive Director in writing. I understand that if I indicate a financial or other relationship or interest below, that information will be reviewed to determine whether this relationship precludes my participation on the Board. I understand that failure or refusal to disclose, false disclosure, or inability to resolve conflicts of interest will disqualify me from participating on the Board immediately. I agree that as an OMA Board of Trustee member I will make every effort that all my Association related activities and votes will be solely in the best interest of the OMA.

Disclosure of Actual or Potential Conflicts of Interest occurring within 1 year of the date of this form and within the foreseeable future:

Disclosure of ANY interests that could possibly result in a Conflict of Interest in the future with OMA, such as an ownership interest in any business, stock/bond holdings, a grant, an employment relationship, or consultative or advisory arrangement, etc.:

Disclosure of involvement / relationships with other similar or competitive associations / societies which represent interests of obesity medicine clinicians (please specify your level of involvement, i.e. board member, committee leader, committee member, general member, etc.):


Print Name







Board Member

CinRX is a biotech company founded in 2015 that is focused on the drug development sector.

Angela Fitch




Eli Lilly and Company discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical products worldwide Drug Manufacturers—General

Advisory Board & Speakers Bureau


Eli Lilly

Gelesis is a biotechnology company developing first-in-class therapeutics to safely treat obese, overweight, and diabetic patients. Knownwell Inc. is a healthcare delivery company Merck & Co., Inc. is a global health care company. The Company offers health solutions through its prescription medicines, vaccines, biologic therapies and animal health products. Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. Sidekick is a social health game. It is designed to motivate and engage people towards a healthy lifestyle. Sidekick allows people to communicate, collaborate and compete with friends and colleagues, while improving their lifestyle. Suvie builds a multi-zone cool to cook kitchen robot that makes 5 star meals with zero effort. Ms.Medicine is an innovative health care organization whose mission is to raise the standard of care of women’s health. Diet Program

Biotechnology, Medical Device, diabetes



Advisory Board


Knownwell Inc.


Stock Ownership



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical

Advisory Board



Behavior App

Sidekick Health


Jenny Craig

Food and beverage

Science Advisory Board



Food and beverage


Turn-Key Business Solutions MsMedicine

Health Care

Advisory Board

FoundHealth.com offers information to help patients discover a range of treatments for their health challenges Health Care

Turn-Key Business Solutions Found Health

Advisory Board

This course covers critical topics in the prevention and treatment of obesity and related disorders presented by authorities from the country’s leading obesity treatment centers.

Harvard Blackburn Obesity Medicine




The American College of Physicians (ACP) is a national organization of internists, who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and care of adults Association

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations

American College of Physicians (ACP)


The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) is the largest national society for this specialty. The vision of the Society is to improve public health and well being by lessening the burden of the disease of obesity and related diseases throughout the world. The Obesity Society (TOS) is the leading scientific society dedicated to the study of obesity.

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations 501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations

American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS)



General Member, planning committee

The Obesity Society (TOS)




Company Description



Board Member

Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC is a patient-first pharmaceutical company focused on the number one and number two preventable deaths in the United States: smoking addiction and obesity.

Ethan Lazarus




Speaker, Advisory Board

Eli Lilly and Company discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical products worldwide Drug Manufacturers—General

Speaker, Advisory Board (May 18th and 19th 2023 for advisory board)


Eli Lilly

Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. Rhythm Pharmaceuticals is a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company committed to transforming the care for patients living with rare genetic diseases of obesity.



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical

Speakers Bureau

Consultant in development of hyperphagia assessment tool


Rhythm Pharmaceuticals

Biotechnology, pharmaceutical

Nestlé Health Science is a leader in the field of nutritional science, committed to redefining the management of health. We offer an extensive portfolio of science-based consumer health, medical nutrition and supplement brands. This course covers critical topics in the prevention and treatment of obesity and related disorders presented by authorities from the country’s leading obesity treatment centers. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) was founded in 1947 to promote and maintain high quality standards for family medicine, an offshoot of the classical general practitioner. The American Medical Association (AMA) is an organization of American physicians, the objective of which is “to promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health.” The Colorado Medical Society (CMS) is the largest group of organized physicians in Colorado. This nonprofit organization is Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. This course covers critical topics in the prevention and treatment of obesity and related disorders presented by authorities from the country’s leading obesity treatment centers. Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. The American Medical Association (AMA) is an organization of American physicians, the objective of which is “to promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health.” The Obesity Society (TOS) is the leading scientific society dedicated to the study of obesity. The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) is the medical professional society providing quality education and certification to those dedicated to clinical and worksite practice of lifestyle medicine as the foundation of a transformed and sustainable health care system. Intuitive Surgical, Inc. is an American corporation that develops, manufactures, and markets robotic products designed to improve clinical outcomes of patients through minimally invasive surgery, most notably with the da Vinci Surgical System. Company Description


Food and beverage

Advisory Board/Speaker

Nestle Nutrition

Harvard Blackburn Obesity Medicine




501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations

American Academy of Family Physicians



501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations

American Medical Association (AMA)


Member, Delegate for OMA

composed of physicians, residents and medical students. It was founded in 1871 to promote the art and science of medicine and to improve public health. Association

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations

Colorado Medical Society






Board Member

Eli Lilly and Company discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical products worldwide Drug Manufacturers—General

Lydia Alexander


Eli Lilly

Speakers Bureau



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical

Advisory Board

Harvard Blackburn Obesity Medicine

Obesity Medicine Course Lecturer



Eli Lilly and Company discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical products worldwide Drug Manufacturers—General


Eli Lilly

Speakers Bureau

SELECT Obesity National Advisory Board



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations 501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations

American Medical Association (AMA)



The Obesity Society (TOS)



The American College of Physicians (ACP) is a national organization of internists, who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and care of adults Association

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations

American College of Physicians (ACP)


501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations

American College of Lifestyle Medicine




Intuitive Surgical



Enara Health is a holistic weight management platform that is building an expansive healthcare network to scale medical obesity treatment.


Enara Health

Biotechnology platform

Stock Ownership



Company Description



Board Member

89bio is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative therapies for the treatment of liver and cardio-metabolic diseases. Allergan plc is an American, Irish domiciled pharmaceutical company that acquires, develops, manufactures and markets brand name drugs and medical devices in the areas of medical aesthetics, eye care, central nervous system, and gastroenterology. Medical devices in major areas (e.g. cardiovascular, neurology, orthopedic) Minimally invasive – surgery technologies including robotics and tracking Medical equipment: therapeutic and diagnostic Health and personal Care products Medical IT and healthcare web applications Aesthetic-medical technologies Altimmune is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of novel peptide based therapeutics for the treatment of obesity and liver diseases. Amgen Inc. is an American multinational biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Thousand Oaks, California Anji Pharma is a clinical-stage biotech company with operations in the U.S., Beijing, and Shanghai. AstraZeneca is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialization of prescription medicines. Axsome Therapeutics, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapies for central nervous system (CNS) conditions that have limited treatment options. Biohaven is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company with proven leadership in industry and academic settings. Bionime was established in April 2003 with the goal of improving the lives of people with diabetes through better self-monitoring. Bionime is focused on designing and manufacturing accurate medical testing equipment. Boehringer Ingelheim is a pharmaceutical company that develops innovative healthcare products for both human & animal needs. CinCor is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company targeting cardiovascular, metabolic and kidney diseases CSL Behring is a biopharmaceutical company, manufacturing plasma derived and recombinant therapeutic products

Received Grant, Consultant/Advisor

Harold Bays







Received Grant


Alon Medteck/Epitomee

Devices, therapeutics

Received Grant

Received Grant, Consultant/Advisor




Received Grant, Consultant/Advisor





Anji Pharma


Received Grant




Received Grant




Received Grant




Received Grant




Received Grant

Biotechnology, Medical, Pharmac eutical

Received Grant, Consultant/advisor


Boehringer Ingelheim




Received Grant


CSL Behring


Received Grant

Eli Lilly and Company discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical products worldwide Drug Manufacturers—General

Received Grant, Consultant/advisor


Eli Lilly

Esperion Therapeutics, Inc. is a public American pharmaceutical company focused on the development of bempedoic acid, an orally available small molecule designed to lower elevated levels of LDL-C.

Received Grant, Consultant/Advisor




Evidera provides evidence-based solutions to demonstrate the real-world effectiveness, safety, and value of biopharmaceutical and biotechnology products A metabolic therapeutics company focused on pioneering new approaches for the treatment of metabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes and obesity. Their goal is to transform metabolic disease treatment from chronic symptomatic management to durable disease-modifying therapies that target the organ-level root causes of T2D and obesity. Gan & Lee Pharmaceuticals is a leading pharmaceutical company in China specializing in the development, production, and commercialization of recombinant insulin analogs and injection pens,* with plans to expand globally. Kallyope, Inc. is a leading biotechnology company focused on identifying and developing therapeutics involving the gut-brain axis. Madrigal is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company pursuing novel therapeutics for fatty liver diseases. Matinas Biopharma Holdings, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company. The Company is focused on redefining the intracellular delivery of nucleic acids and small molecules through its lipid nanocrystal (LNC) drug delivery platform. Merck & Co., Inc. is a global health care company. The Company offers health solutions through its prescription medicines, vaccines, biologic therapies and animal health products. Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. Pfizer is a pharmaceuticals and biotechnology company. Regerenron is a leading biotechnology company that invents life-transforming medicines for people with serious diseases Sanofi S.A. is a French multinational pharmaceutical and healthcare company headquartered in Paris, France. We are a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to bringing novel treatments to people who suffer from migraine and other debilitating conditions. Selecta Biosciences is a clinical stage biotechnology company with a commitment to solving the challenges associated with autoimmunity and unwanted immunogenicity through our pioneering ImmTOR® precision immune tolerance platform. Shionogi Inc. is dedicated to advancing the greater good by developing, partnering, and commercializing medicine to treat serious unmet medical needs.

Biopharmaceutical, biotechnology



Received Grant

Biopharmaceutical, biotechnology


Received Grant



Gan and Lee


Received Grant



Received Grant





Received Grant




Received Grant



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical

Received Grant

NewAmsterdam Pharma is a clinical stage company focused on the research and development of transformative therapies for cardio-metabolic diseases. Pharmaceutical Novartis AG is a Switzerland-based pharmaceutical company. The Company develops, manufactures, and markets branded and generic prescription drugs, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), biosimilars and ophthalmic products. Pharmaceutical


New Amsterdam

Received Grant



Received Grant



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical

Received Grant



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical

Received Grant




Received Grant




Received Grant




Received Grant




Received Grant



Pharmaceutical company

Received Grant

a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of novel therapies for metabolic and endocrine disorders, VIVUS, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company developing therapies for obesity, sleep apnea, diabetes and sexual health.



Biopharmaceutical company

Received Grant




Received Grant

Home Access Health Corporation, which is now a subsidiary of Everly

Health, was founded to provide customers with health information through simple, self-collected lab tests Health Care

Laboratory Testing Legal Technology

Home Access

Received Grant Received Grant


Practice Management Software

Legal Technology

Metavante Technologies, Inc., through its subsidiary, Metavante Corporation, provided financial technology services, software and financial services regulatory advice and consulting to its customers, consisting primarily of small to large sized financial institutions. An Academic Research Organization of Brigham & Women's Hospital and An Affiliate of Harvard Medical School The Obesity Society (TOS) is the leading scientific society dedicated to the study of obesity. The ASPC, founded in 1985, represents a multidisciplinary group of healthcare practitioners and researchers who share an interest in and a passion for preventive cardiology. Endocrine Society is a global community of endocrine investigators and clinicians focused on improving patient care, advancing research, shaping effective policy, and ensuring the future of endocrinology. The American College of Cardiology, a 49,000-member nonprofit medical society, enhances the lives of cardiovascular patients through continuous quality improvement, patient-centered care, payment innovation, and professionalism. The ADA's mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. The National Lipid Association is a 501(c)(3) organization formed in 2008 to serve as a patient education organization in the field of clinical lipidology. Endocrine Society is a global community of endocrine investigators and clinicians focused on improving patient care, advancing research, shaping effective policy, and ensuring the future of endocrinology. The Pediatric Endocrine Society invites members to form Special Interest Groups (SIGs). SIGs provide a venue for members to network with other colleagues sharing similar interests, to provide a forum to discuss issues concerning topics relevant to the SIGs, and work towards goals that will benefit our patients and the membership of the Pediatric Endocrine Society at large. Company Description



Business Tools

Received Grant

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations 501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations



Received Grant

General Member, Fellow, Speaker

The Obesity Society (TOS)


The American Society of Preventative Cardiology (ASPC)

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations


Board Member, Fellow, Speaker

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations

The Endocrine Society



AACE is the organization focused on endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism that is most: Recognized worldwide for its clinical leadership Association

American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE)

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations


501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations 501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations

American College of Cardiology (ACC)


Member, Fellow, Speaker

American Diabetes Association (ADA)



501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations

The National Lipid Association


Producing a Joint Statement





Board Member

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organization+A69s

Marisa Censani

The Endocrine Society



501C-6 / 501C-3 Organization+A69s

Pediatric Endocrine Society (SIG)

Member, completed a three-year term as co-chair




Company Description



Board Member

Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC is a patient-first pharmaceutical company focused on the number one and number two preventable deaths in the United States: smoking addiction and obesity.

Anthony Auriemma




Speakers Bureau

Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. Phenomix is a drug discovery and development company building a portfolio of novel therapeutics for the treatment of major human diseases VIVUS, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company developing therapies for obesity, sleep apnea, diabetes and sexual health. Nestlé Health Science is a leader in the field of nutritional science, committed to redefining the management of health. We offer an extensive portfolio of science-based consumer health, medical nutrition and supplement brands. Illinois Obesity Society is a group of health care professionals dedicated to improving the treatment of Obesity in Illinois.



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical

Speakers Bureau



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical





Speaker Bureau


Nestle Nutrition

Food and beverage


501C-6 / 501C-3 Organizations

Illinois Obesity Society


Board of Trustee Member

Eli Lilly and Company discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical products worldwide Drug Manufacturers—General


Eli Lilly

Speakers Bureau





Company Description

Board Member

Eli Lilly and Company discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical products worldwide Drug Manufacturers—General

Sandra Christensen


Eli Lilly

Advisory Board

Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care.



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical

Speakers Bureau

The Washington Obesity Society is a coalition dedicated to creating a community resource for providers in the growing field of obesity medicine. Association

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organization+A69s

Washington Obesity Society


AANP empowers all NPs to advance accessible, person-centered, equitable, high-quality health care for diverse communities through practice, education, advocacy, research and leadership.

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organization+A69s

the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP).


Member, speaker

Eli Lilly and Company discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical products worldwide Drug Manufacturers—General


Eli Lilly


Abbott Laboratories is an American multinational medical devices and health care company. AANP is the largest and only full service national professional membership organization for NPs of all specialties. Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. Rhythm Pharmaceuticals is a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company committed to transforming the care for patients living with rare genetic diseases of obesity. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and its member pediatricians dedicate their efforts and resources to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults. The Obesity Society (TOS) is the leading scientific society dedicated to the study of obesity. Course and consulting business to help physicians start obesity medicine practices The American Medical Association (AMA) is an organization of American physicians, the objective of which is “to promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health.” Company Description Company Description


Abbott Laboratories

Medical Device Company

Advisory Board

American Association of Nurse Practitioners

Professional Organization


Education Planner and Fellow





Board Member

Suzanne Cuda



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical

Advisory Board


Rhythm Pharmaceuticals

Biotechnology, pharmaceutical

Gold Faculty

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organization+A69s 501C-6 / 501C-3 Organization+A69s

American Academy of Pediatrics



The Obesity Society (TOS)


General Member





Board Member

Carolynn Francavilla Brown


Weight Care Consulting

Health Care


501C-6 / 501C-3 Organization+A69s

American Medical Association (AMA)

Governing Council for private practice physicians


Eli Lilly and Company discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical products worldwide Drug Manufacturers—General


Eli Lilly

Speakers Bureau





Board Member Michelle Freshwater Board Member

Company Description





Company Description

Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. Product sales in obesity medicine practice Physicians.com strives to improve the quality of life through routine and affordable telemedical care with increased accessibility to pharmacutucal drugs by providing quality products at the most affordable price.

Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie


Biotechnology, pharmaceutical




Health Care


Shaklee Corporation


Health Care

Medical Director


Eli Lilly and Company discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical products worldwide Drug Manufacturers—General

Executive Director of Clinical Research in obesity


Eli Lilly





Board Member Bharti K. Shetye

Company Description





Board Member

Company Description

Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC is a patient-first pharmaceutical company focused on the number one and number two preventable deaths in the United States: smoking addiction and obesity. Gelesis is a biotechnology company developing first-in-class therapeutics to safely treat obese, overweight, and diabetic patients. Phenomix is a drug discovery and development company building a portfolio of novel therapeutics for the treatment of major human diseases. Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. The Obesity Society (TOS) is the leading scientific society dedicated to the study of obesity. The American Medical Association (AMA) is an organization of American physicians, the objective of which is “to promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health.” Hims & Hers Health, Inc. is an American telehealth company that sells prescription and over-the-counter drugs online, as well as personal care products Medical educational company

Craig Primack




Speakers Bureau

Biotechnology, Medical Device, diabetes



Advisory Board



Biotechnology, pharmaceutical


Nutrition Education Education

Nestle Nutrition

Food and beverage

Co-Medical Director

Paradigm Pri-Med



Continuing medical education (CME) Education

CME Speaker

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organization+A69s

The Obesity Society (TOS)


General Member

501C-6 / 501C-3 Organization+A69s

American Medical Association (AMA)



Senior Vice President of Weight Management


HIMS Company


OMA Board of Trustees (BOT) Meeting Minutes October 25th, 2023 1:00--5:00 PM CDT Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk San Antonio, TX Call to Order: The BOT meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm (CT) by Presiding Officer, Dr. Angela Fitch. Roll Call: Roll call was completed by Secretary/Treasurer, Dr. Marisa Censani. Attendees: Dr. Angela Fitch, Dr. Ethan Lazarus, Dr. Harold Bays, Dr. Anthony Auriemma, Mrs. Sandra Christensen, Dr. Carolynn Francavilla Brown, Dr. Bharti Shetye, Dr. Craig Primack, Dr. Sylvia Gonsahn Bollie, Dr. Michelle Freshwater, Dr. Suzanne Cuda, Mrs. Teresa Fraker (OMA Executive Director), and Ms. Lydia Haile (OMA Operations Specialist). Attorney Jim Wilson was present for this meeting remotely via Zoom. Dr. Lydia Alexander was not present for the initial roll call, however, she arrived at 1:10 PM CDT. Approval of the Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda as presented. Motion passed. Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The BOT review their conflict of interest disclosures and Dr. Fitch instructs board members to communicate any updates with OMA staff member Ms. Haile. Approval of the Consent Agenda and Supporting Documents: Motion to approve the consent agenda. Mr. Wilson clarified an error in the previous meeting minutes from the 8/3/2023 in that it was noted that Mr. Wilson made a motion, which is incorrect. These meeting minutes will be amended and corrected accordingly by Ms. Haile. Other than this correction, there was a motion to approve the consent agenda and the motion passed . Past Progress and Future Plans for Obesity Pillars: Drs. Bays and Cuda provided a comprehensive update of Obesity Pillars . The publishing timeline has favorable statistics with 13 days for time to first decision, 21 days for review time, and 8 days for acceptance to publication. Similarly, in performance, Obesity Pillars has over 160,000 downloads, over 1,000 saves, and over 2,000 social media shares. Dr. Bays shares that an area of improvement for the journal is that there is room for growth with marketing and outreach efforts. Dr. Cuda highlighted the work being done with pediatric Clinical Practice Statements (CPSs), five have been completed and three in are in the works. Both Drs. Cuda and Bays share their satisfaction with the current state of Obesity Pillars and its future trajectory.


Finalization of the OMA’s Four Core Pillars Nomenclature Mrs. Fraker highlights the new graphic produced for OMA’s Four Core Pillars and asks the BOT to finalize the sub-bullet nomenclature underneath the pillar of “Medical Interventions”. The board discussed the various options possible and their respective implications with education and communication of the four core pillars. Motion to name the sub-bullets under the pillar of “Medical Interventions” as follows: • Medication Management • Bariatric Procedures • Complication Management Motion passed. Finance Committee Report The 2022 financial audit documents and the 8/18/2023 Finance Committee meeting minutes were presented to the BOT for review in the BOT meeting packet. Dr. Censani covered the details of the financial audit by providing a thorough breakdown of the statistics and their significance to the OMA. She shares that the Finance Committee accepts and approves the financial audit conducted by Rubin Brown and that as such, Ms. Fraker will sign attestation documents on behalf of the OMA for certification. Motion to approve the OMA 2022 Financial Audit. Motion passed. ACLM + OMA (+ other societies) Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) for Type II Diabetes Collaboration Dr. Alexander shared that the OMA is being asked to collaborate with the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) along with other professional societies to provide an opinion for the CPGs on “Lifestyle Medicine for Treatment and Remission of Type II Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes in Adults.” Dr. Alexander informed the group that ACLM is looking for OMA to nominate someone from membership to serve on their development group. OMA Bylaws Changes Communication Plan Considerations Mrs. Fraker shared the drafted communication plan prepared to address the BOT approved bylaw changes with OMA membership. Mr. Wilson shares logistics of the membership vote particular to number of votes that must be garnered, etc. and he will follow up with further specificity to this regard according the Colorado nonprofit statues. Suggestions provided by the BOT included the following: An FAQ section to address the “why” of this change inclusive of the additional non-physician BOT seat, differences in costs for voting versus nonvoting, the importance of AMA representation, the fact that the OMA is primarily a physician-led organization, and the like. Dr. Fitch may also want to


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