2020-10-29 OMA Agenda - Board of Trustees
Action: Next step is for the task members to form a committee and draft a charter. The committee should then work on the statement that would be released. Discussion item – Executive Director Search Committee Board Approval of chosen candidate Dr. Primack announced Katrina Crist as the chosen new Executive Director of OMA, who was approved and recommended by the search committee. She will begin in the middle of September. Motion to accept the recommendations of the search committee and offer Katrina Crist the position of Executive Director of OMA was made by Dr. Primack. Second: Dr. Alexander Motion Carried. Details were shared that they are close to closing a 3-year contract with Ms. Crist and she is requesting a higher severance in the range of 6 months versus 3 months. All other terms are Update was given by OMA in regards to elections for the board and will close on August 10 th . Current positions open are Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, 3 trustee positions, and one position for the Ethics Committee. As of August 4 th, there are only 118 votes. Discussion item- UPDATES REGARDING LEASE AND MOVE TO INTERIM SPACE OMA moving into co-working space, were able to break lease 2 months early, and will be moving into the Village on August 22 nd . Phones have been updated and calls are back to normal in the office. Discussion item- UPDATES REGARDING VIRTUAL FALL CONFERENCE Fall conference has been moved to a virtual conference and a new platform vendor has been contracted. New vendor is costing $10,000 less than the previous vendor and registration for the fall conference should be up and running in the next 2 ½ weeks. ASMBS is not having a fall conference and is interested in creating a pre-conference on surgical topics in conjunction with OMAs fall conference. They will be getting back to OMA after they discuss with their board next week. Discussion item: UPDATES REGARDING THE OBESITY ALGORITHM AND SAP Dr. Bays thanked Ms. Hablutzel for her work on the Self-Assessment Program. There are 261 questions in the SAP with extensive critiques and 41 of the questions are pediatrics questions. There are 9 CME Level 1 credits offered. The Obesity Algorithm is still in the editing phase and being reviewed. The 2020/2021 Pediatric Obesity Algorithm will be released in the fall and updated every two years. The e-book for the Obesity Algorithm will have links to webinars and OMA Academy. DISCUSSION & ACTION ITEM: DISSOLVE THE NP/PA COMMITTEE The NP/PA Committee is currently struggling to find new functions for this committee. Look at using a source like Linked ln for networking and to help attract and retain more NP & PA members. Would like to form a members working group. Motion to Dissolve the NP/PA Committee at the end of the 2020 Committee year was made by Ms. Christensen. same as previous email correspondence with the board. Discussion Item – UPDATES REGARDING ELECTIONS
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