2022 Atlanta Board of Trustees Meeting

Bylaws Changes Recommendation/Consideration Presented by: Ethan Lazarus, President, OMA


I ask that the OMA Policy Committee work with OMA legal counsel to accomplish the following:

1) Change NP/PA membership to two options as outlined below: a) First option: full voting rights and can run for board positions. Same fee as physician members. b) Second option: no voting rights and can NOT run for board positions. Significantly lower fee.

2) Allow NP/PA to also run for EC positions.

3) Re-evaluate the number of NP/PA seats on the board every 5 years, but physicians will represent a majority of the board.

4) Do NOT allow the full-fee voting portion of the NP/PA membership to climb above 49% of the total membership. The non-voting membership can have an unlimited number of members.


Our NP/PA membership category is growing faster than our physician category. At the current trajectory of 11% growth for physicians and 41.6% for NP/PA, the NP/PA members will become the majority of the organization in the next four years. I believe this is consistent with our purpose and will be beneficial to the OMA; however, we are still a physician-led organization, and this will impact our ability to retain our delegate seat at the AMA.

I believe our board should reflect our changing membership, but should remain a physician-majority board.

Our status in terms of being able to have representation at the AMA House of Delegates depends both on our physicians being members of the AMA, and on our organization being comprised by a majority of physicians. AMA is NOT a NP/PA organization--it is

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