2022 Atlanta Board of Trustees Meeting

7173 S. Havana St #600-130 Centennial, CO 80112 P: 303.770.2526 | F: 303.779.4834 obesitymedicine.org



A. Purpose: OMA recognizes the need to further the field of obesity medicine and the need for adequate financing to meet this goal. OMA recognizes there are multiple sources of financing including investment income. OMA’s goal is to make investment decisions that enhance its ability to both operationally and strategically further the field of obesity medicine. OMA therefore supports this investment policy which recognizes the retention and investment of funds to meet the future needs of the Association.

B. Investment Goals: Over theestablished investment horizonof 5-7 years, it is the goal of OMA to: • Absolute

Exceedanabsolute returnequal to the rate of inflation,measuredby theConsumer Price Index (CPI), plus 5%annually (over a rolling5-year timehorizon). • Relative Exceed the returnof indiceswith anappropriateamount of riskbasedupon specific asset type (e.g. StandardandPo or’s500, BarclaysAggregateBond Index) andpeer groupanalysis. Recognizing that there isno risk-freeway to earn the target objectiveover a fullmarket cycle, the Investment Committeeand its Investment Advisers shall strive to improve the likelihood of achieving that target returnwith an amount of investment risk that is reasonable andappropriate for anendowment of its size and scope. C. The OMA Finance Committee, chaired by the Secretary/Treasurer, is responsible for overseeing the management of OMA investments and for making recommendations to the OMA Board of Trustees regarding investment policy. According to the OMA Bylaws, the Finance Committee is comprised of the Secretary/Treasurer, two Board of Trustee members appointed by the Board of Trustees, and the Executive Director who shall be a nonvoting member.

D. The Committee shall meet on a minimum of a semi-annual basis to: 1. Review the investment reports and asset allocations 2. Make recommendations to the Board on the investment policy 3. Provide direction to the Portfolio Manager, as necessary

E. The OMA Executive Director shall serve as the primary liaison to the Portfolio Manager and make recommendations to the Finance Committee regarding investment policy, as necessary.

F. The OMA Secretary/Treasurer and Executive Director are responsible for reviewing the


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