2022 Atlanta Board of Trustees Meeting

weight” Motion by: Dr. Anthony Auriemma Second by: Dr. Michelle Freshwaters Motion to amend preamble approved Motion to approve the Board Member Code of Conduct:

Motion: Dr. Ethan Lazarus Second: Dr. Lydia Alexander Motion Approved

As it relates to further discussion on the OMA Member Code of Conduct, Ms. Teresa Fraker will send email out to Board of Trustees for edits and suggestions to rework the language in the Member Code of Conduct. Once completed, an email vote will take place for this item only. When finalized, this document will be included in membership packet, and future committee members will need to abide by the OMA Member Code of Conduct. Strategic Planning Consultant Introduction – Association Laboratory, Inc. Dean West and Nikki Haton Shanks presented the board with information on their company, as well as their approach prepares various boards across the healthcare spectrum. Their plan includes a variety of pre-work involving data collection that will culminate with the BOT’s planned onsite strategic retreat in June 2022 in Chicago, IL. The engagement will include a steering committee to lead these efforts. Self-nominations and recommendations for the steering committee, should be sent to Ms. Fraker by the following Monday, 1/17/2022. As agreed by the board, Dr. Lazarus and Ms. Fraker will make final determination on those who will be appointed to the steering committee. Budget FY2022 Treasurer's Report Ms. Fraker reviewed the 2022 budget and detailed specific line items where adjustments from the previous year’s budget, were made. Dr. Bays reviewed the financials and updated the board on how he will present updates on financials going forward. Motion to approve 2022 Budget Motion: Dr. Harold Bays Second: Dr. Lydia Alexander Motion carries Obesity Pillars Update/Launch Dr. Bays gave an update on the status of the launch of Obesity Pillars , OMA’s journal, the Elsevier website where the open access journal articles are housed, the editorial board, and hiring of Obesity Pillars ’ medical writer, Savannah Logan. "10 Weeks In" Assessment for OMA


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