4.19.2023 Board Book

Old Business - Dr. Bays shared that he received an email regarding a collection of journals which are a part of OMA’s history. He was sent journals dating back to 1977. Dr. Bays plans to write a commentary in Obesity Pillars regarding these journals, by creating a “then versus now” comparison to highlight the advancements made in obesity medicine. Mrs. Fraker mentions using these journals as a conference session would be of great interest to OMA members. - Dr. Fitch mentions that according to her research, the OMA is the oldest Obesity Association in the United States and that the OMA may actually be the first Obesity Association in the world as well. Motion to adjourn the meeting by: Ms. Christensen

Second: Dr. Bays Discussion: None Vote: No Objections

Call to Adjourn and Closing Remarks: The BOT meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm (MST) by Dr. Angela Fitch

Meeting Minutes Approved by Dr. Marisa Censani on 03/15/2023

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