Data_All_200814 (5)

Q5 What additional resources would potentially help you work more effectively, while being remote or in the new space? • Answered: 4 • Skipped: 8

Showing 4 selected responses


N/A 8/13/2020 1:30 PMAdd tags – View respondent's answers


I honestly think you have done a great job of making sure we are set up properly to work from both home and the new office. I think just everyone knowing that they can request additional resources if needed is a good thing. The new location seems great and look forward to getting started there. 8/11/2020 4:45 PMAdd tags – View respondent's answers


Ability to send in receipts for partial reimbursement for office supplies used at home (ie: printer ink, paper, etc.) 8/11/2020 4:39 PMAdd tags – View respondent's answers


I have everything I need. 8/11/2020 4:14 PMAdd tags

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