Elections Marketing Procedure
- Ballot (Survey Monkey) - Candidate profile pages (WordPress) - Elections landing page (WordPress) - Email campaign to voting members (Constant Contact) - Post-election results spreadsheet (Excel)
BALLOT Template in Survey Monkey from 2019 Board Election What you will need: - Names and credentials for all candidates, plus what position they applied for - Deadline for voting (date and time) Instructions: 1. Copy over the ballot from last year. 2. Update the information to reflect the current election and candidates. 3. Set the date and time of the survey to turn off automatically at the end of the voting period. 4. Get the shareable link to the ballot. You will need it for the website and email campaign. CANDIDATE PROFILE PAGES Template in WordPress = “Candidate Profile: Angela Fitch, MD, FACP, FOMA” https://obesitymedicine.org/about/board-of-trustees/2019-election/angela-fitch-profile/ What you will need: - Candidate photos - Names and credentials for all candidates, plus what position they applied for - Candidate responses on the board application - Candidate disclosures - Election campaign rules (PDF) - Conflict of interest policy and disclosure rules (PDF) Instructions: 1. Check first if some candidates already have a profile. You can update the information in that profile rather than creating a new one. 2. Update the copy on the profile page to reflect the current election. 3. Update the widget for each candidate. a. Template = “Candidate Information for Angela Fitch” 4. If they don’t already have a profile, update the profile for someone who does. Then you can use this as your template to create everyone else’s profile.
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