
ELECTIONS LANDING PAGE Template = “2019 Board of Trustees Election” https://obesitymedicine.org/about/board-of-trustees/2019-election/ What you will need: - Candidate photos (best if all the same dimensions) - Link to the ballot

- Deadline for voting (date and time) - Links to individual candidate pages Instructions: 1. Update the copy on the page to reflect the current election. You don’t need to create a new page, just update this one for the new election. 2. Update the text in the gray callout box. This is a widget. a. “Board Landing Page Text” 3. Update the list of candidates for each position with their photo, name, current position (if any), and link to candidate profile. There is one widget for each position.

a. “2019 Election – Candidates for President-Elect” b. “2019 Election – Candidates for Secretary/Treasurer” c. “2019 Election – Candidates for Trustee” d. “2019 Election – Candidates for Vice President”

EMAIL CAMPAIGN Templates in Constant Contact under “Election” folder What you will need:

- All other deliverables created - Email list of voting members o Voting member categories = physician, international, NP/PA, associate, retired Instructions: 1. Go to Constant Contact, then to the “Elections” folder. 2. Look for the email series called “2019 Board Election” (#1, #2, etc.) 3. Use these as your templates to build your email campaign. In 2019, emails were sent 1x weekly during the voting period. a. #1 – Announcement about voting b. #2 – Meet the candidates running for the executive committee c. #3 – Meet the candidates running for trustee d. #4 – One week left to vote e. #5 – Last day to vote 4. Pull your email list of voting members from Abila. I use the “Membership by Join Date” query with these parameters: a. Under Membership i. Join date ii. Rejoin date iii. Effective date b. Under Customer(Member) i. Do not contact by email ii. ID

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