Policy Committee Meeting 9_28_2023

Appendix D: Writing Group Acknowledgement The following process and guidance will be used to publicly recognize writing group/committee members who participated in the development of a document or manuscript: • The Committee is cited as the author for all documents. In some cases, authorship for a statement may include a listing of the work group members. • Individual contributor recognition will be established by the writing group chair in accord with the publications policy prior to commencement of work for the document. • All individuals involved in the development of a document or manuscript must sign a contributor agreement and COI disclosure form. • Everyone who has made substantial, direct, intellectual contributions to the work will be recognized. • All work group members should participate in writing the manuscript, reviewing drafts and approving the final version. • Membership on a committee, writing group, network, etc. alone does not justify authorship or acknowledgement. • Contributors will be recognized in a standardized format approved by FPMRS journal. Acknowledgement will occur as follows and will appear at the top of the article: o This document was developed by the American Urogynecologic Society (AUGS) Guidelines Committee with the assistance of [names of Writing Group members]. This peer-reviewed document reflects clinical and scientific advances as of the date issued and is subject to change. The information should not be construed as dictating an exclusive course of treatment or procedure to be followed.  [Acknowledgement section to include] All Writing Group members disclosed commercial and financial relationships. Writing Group members who were found to have conflicts of interest based on the relationships disclosed did not participate in the final approval of this document. INSERT WRITING GROUP DISCLOSURES

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