Policy Committee Meeting 9_28_2023
Steering Group (SG) and experts: Draft recommendations and supporting evidence
Consensus Panel (CP): Rating round 1 (via email) •SC: Rating round 1 scored and summarized
CP: Consensus meeting, dicussion of recommendations with uncertainty/ disagreement •CP: Rating round 2 •Rating round 2 scored and summarized
Pathway prepared for public comment
Public comments integrated into final pathway
Draft Recommendations for Each Pathway • After Board approval, Steering Group engages ~2-3 experts in each disease area who will actively contribute to development in that disease area, with SG and consultant oversight to promote consistency across the disease areas. These experts will not participate in the voting/rating process. Major pre-consensus tasks for the experts will be: a. Prepare disease-specific protocol form/research questions b. Conduct iterative reviews of literature review findings, until completion of evidence summaries c. Draft recommendations and supporting documentation intended for Consensus Panel review Consensus Process • After Board approval, SG and experts select and invite Consensus Panel members (~9-12) for each of the four BBD groupings. Consensus Panelists will be chosen to best reflect the diversity of the intended pathway audience, including members with varying specialties, geographic location, time in practice, and type of practice. • For each Consensus Panel, the following key steps will occur: a. Orientation. A virtual Consensus Panel orientation meeting provides an overview of the process, methods, and timeline. b. Rating Exercise. Consensus Panel members receive an email with the literature evidence summary and draft recommendations for each pathway. Panelists independently conduct ratings for each recommendation. c. Scoring. First round ratings are scored using predetermined criteria. Scoring documentation will capture median scores for each recommendation and whether ratings reflected disagreement. Recommendations will be categorized per the scoring criteria (see below). Summary scores will be returned to the Consensus Panel members via email, to prepare for the meeting (see Appendix 1). d. Consensus Panel meeting (in person or virtual). Review, discuss, edit each recommendation for which there was disagreement, and any others flagged. i. Consensus Panel members conduct a second round of ratings for all recommendations. e. Final scoring and summary.
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