Policy Committee Meeting 9_28_2023

Likert Scale Rating • For each recommendation, the panel will rate their agreement on a Likert scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means that the rater strongly agrees with the recommendation, and 5 means that the rater strongly disagrees with the recommendation. A middle rating of 3 indicates that the rater neither agrees nor disagrees (see Appendix 1). • Scoring: o Strong Consensus: If >90% of panelist rate a recommendation as either “strongly agree” or “agree” and the median score is 1, the recommendation is adopted. o This assumes that “strong agreement” on the Likert scale is scored as a 1. o Only “strongly agree” and “agree” are included in the percent agreement calculation. • Consensus: If > 75% and <90% of the respondents from the Consensus Group rate a recommendation as either “strongly agree” or “agree” and the median is either 2 or 1, the recommendation is adopted. • No Consensus: If consensus is not achieved following two rounds of ratings, then the Steering Committee may opt to leave a clinical question unanswered and state, “Consensus could not be achieved.” If multiple recommendations achieve consensus at a decision node, the Steering Group may engage the Consensus Panel in ranking the recommendations, if desired. Public Comment Pathways will be made publicly available for a 2-4 week public comment period. The SG and experts will review comments submitted, and: • Determine whether comments warrant changes to pathway recommendations. SG members can re-engage Consensus Panel members if desired to obtain rapid voting regarding whether changes should be made. • Prepare a summary document that can be published on the ASBrS website and/or submitted as an appendix to the manuscript. Pathways Development & Approval Final pathways will be developed including an algorithm that facilitates clinical decision support, and brief narrative summarizing the methods and evidence. The final document will be approved by the ASBrS Board prior to submission for publication.

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