02.29.24 OMA Board Book
Policy Committee Documents: Dr. Lazarus provided an overview of the Policy Committee’s deliberations and recommendations relative to the following policy-related documents: • Corporate Partner Application o Motion to approve the amended Corporate Partner Application. Motion passed. • Exhibitor Terms and Conditions Document o Motion to approve the amended Exhibitor Terms and Conditions document. Motion passed.
• Position Statement Policy
o Motion to approve the Position Statement Policy. Motion passed.
• Speaker Agreement and Speaker Agreement Edits Document o Motion to approve the edited Speaker Agreement document. Motion passed. Exhibitor Review Committee: Dr. Cuda volunteered to assist Dr. Auriemma with the Exhibitor and Sponsorship Review process in
lieu of Dr. Gonsahn-Bollie’s resignation from the BOT. Project ECHO/Treat or Refer Launch Plan/Next Steps:
Mrs. Fraker described the OMA’s involvement with Project ECHO to host a monthly lecture series on various topics related to obesity care. The board will be sent a link to sign-up for an assigned month and the topic that the BOT member would like to review. The BOT will be sent the Treat or Refer landing page to share with a wide audience, and further, social media posts from the BOT leadership are encouraged to further promote attendance in the programming. New Business: Dr. Fitch announced that the collaboration on the standards of care for obesity treatment is in progress and that those interested parties are invited to participate in the various writing groups being assembled. Call to Adjourn and Closing Remarks: The BOT meeting was adjourned at 7:48 PM ET by Presiding Officer, Dr. Angela Fitch.
Meeting Minutes Approved by Dr. Marisa Censani on 02/10/2024
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