02.29.24 OMA Board Book
New Business: Motion to accept the vacant board position due to the resignation of Dr. Gonsahn-Bollie as an item of new business to discuss. Motion passed. The BOT discussed what actions to take in order to best serve the interests of OMA. Historical precedent has been to fill open seats to maintain a full slate and the BOT is amenable in continuing with this same practice. Potential candidates for this role were discussed, by creating a hierarchical list for Dr. Fitch to approach potential BOT members given the vacancy of Dr. Gonsahn-Bollie. Motion for Dr. Fitch to approach Dr. Tiffany Lowe-Clayton, then Dr. Courtney Younglove, then Dr. Catherine Varney. Motion passed. The above motion was further discussed and amended to reflect the following: Motion for Dr. Fitch to approach Dr. Tiffany Lowe-Clayton, then Dr. Catherine Varney, then Dr. The revised OMA Bylaws communication plan was reviewed by Ms. Fraker and the BOT provided overall favorable comments. Other than a few minor suggestions that Mrs. Fraker will share with the OMA Marketing Staff, this communication plan is ready for deployment to the OMA membership. Nominating Committee Recommendations for 2024 Election Cycle: Dr. Alexander discussed the Nominating Committee’s responsibilities and outlined the process of reviewing candidates for the 2024-2025 election year. Motion for the Nominating Committee slate to include: Dr. Lydia Alexander (Chair, as OMA’s President-Elect), Dr. Jeffrey Sicat, Dr. Ryan Morgan, Dr. Carl Knopke, and Ms. Lori Wenz, NP. Motion passed. The BOT discussed the need to gather disclosures from all Nominating Committee members to avoid potential conflicts of interest when the Nominating Committee begins their work. Review of Bariatric Medical-Surgical (BMS) Committee Compensation Data and Associated Next Steps: Dr. Shetye discussed results of the BMS Compensation Survey. She asked the BOT for direction on what best next steps should occur with the results and how to present this data to the OMA membership. There is concern on how to communicate the findings of the survey without discouraging providers from practicing obesity medicine due to lack of adequate compensation. Presenting the findings via a webinar was proposed as a best means to circulate the data and allow for an open discussion. Dr. Shetye will take this feedback to the BMS Committee and they will consider this for their work in 2024. Courtney Younglove. Motion passed. 2024 OMA Bylaws Communication Plan:
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