obesity. These gaps spurred the NQF and STOP Obesity Alliance to convene a roundtable discussion
(2016) and subsequent strategy session (2017) to discuss, identify, and refine obesity measure concepts.
The timeline for these activities is shown in the Appendix Figure 1. The measure concepts that emerged
from the roundtable and strategy session were documentation of obesity diagnosis, weight change over
time, evidence-based treatment for obesity, and obesity quality of life patient-reported outcome
performance measure (PRO-PM) (NQF, Obesity Measures, 2019). These measures were proposed to
move away from purely process measures and move toward outcome measures that incentivize
standards in obesity clinical care.
The American Medical Group Association (AMGA) was a member on the expert panel that
participated in the NQF and STOP Obesity Alliance convenings. In the next project for obesity quality
measure development, AMGA took the refined measure concepts, identified other measure concepts,
defined technical details and specifications, and then conducted measure testing as part of the AMGA
Obesity Care Model Collaborative (OCMC). The OCMC was a 3-year collaborative to define, pilot, and
evaluate a framework to address obesity in medical groups and health systems (AMGA, 2020). The
OCMC tested seven measures, which included assessment for obesity-related complications,
documentation of obesity diagnosis, percent weight change over 9-15 months, prescriptions for anti
obesity medications, number of patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) surveys completed, and
change in score in PROM surveys (Appendix Table 3). AMGA found that all measures were feasible to
collect, provided value to the participating healthcare organizations, and demonstrated variation and
ability to detect differences over time (Ciemins, et al., 2020).
Building upon the work of AMGA’s Obesity Care Model Collaborative, the MN Community
Measurement (MNCM) and the Endocrine Society (ES) partnered to further test and develop obesity
quality measures. Together with another panel of experts, they developed a suite of new measures with
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