10.25.2023 OMA Board Book

1. Assisting the chair on all conference calls to ensure active participation of all group members and prevent group think and other biases 2. Assisting with writing a portion of the manuscript 3. Disclosing any conflicts of interest to the group on each conference call

1.4 Panel members:

An understanding of evidence-based medicine is desirable. Individuals are invited as representatives of their field or discipline, but need not be content experts for the guideline topic. Content experts should be a minority voice on the working group to limit bias.

Specific responsibilities of the working group members include: 1. disclosing fully any potential conflicts of interest 2. participating in all conference calls

3. attending all meetings with a commitment to teamwork and clear communication 4. reading all relevant materials and providing constructive comments and feedback during and between meetings 5. checking and responding to e-mails on a regular basis 6. completing personal assignments to meet deadlines 7. maintaining confidentiality 8. communicating regularly with the sponsoring group, society, or organization to keep them informed of guideline development and to identify any concerns.

1.5 Staff Liaison: Lorraine Nnacheta

Specific responsibilities of the staff liaison include: 1. conducting a preliminary search to assess topic feasibility 2. identifying guideline group members by working with internal leadership and relevant external organizations 3. scheduling and handling logistics for all conference calls and group meetings 4. working with the chair to create agendas and pre-distribute supporting materials 5. coordinating literature searches, organizing search results, and obtaining full-text articles 6. appraising the guideline for implementability using predetermined methods 7. identifying external peer reviewers and collating comments for distribution to the chair 8. distributing the guideline for public comment 9. assisting the chair in developing and obtaining permissions for tables and figures 10. proofreading the guideline final draft, including checks for grammar and spelling 11. submitting a summary of key action statements and supporting evidence profiles for review and approval by the organizational board of directors 12. assisting the chair in formatting the final document for publication submission 13. obtaining copyright transfer and financial disclosure forms from working group members.

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