10.25.2023 OMA Board Book

The OMA’s Membership Categories are changing to reflect two distinct membership categories, which necessitate a vote by the OMA’s Membership per the Colorado Non-Profit Organization Statues: Voting Members: These members can vote in any/all OMA-related governance matters, including BOT election processes in addition to other societal matters that may come to the OMA’s membership over time (such as in 2015 when the OMA changed its name from the American Society of Bariatric Physicians). Further, only voting members can serve the capacity of a Committee Chair over one of the OMA’s (currently) eight committees. Finally, voting members can serve on the BOT, but non-physician BOT members may not serve as a BOT Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President, President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President. Further, ALL physicians will be considered “voting” members. Non-Voting Members: These members cannot vote in any OMA-related governance matters, including BOT election processes in addition to other societal matters that may come to the OMA’s membership, nor can these members serve in the capacity of a Committee Chair, however, these members can participate in OMA’s Committees. Finally, these members cannot serve on the BOT. Other than the differences described above, what are other differences between the “Voting” and “Non-Voting” segments of OMA’s Membership? Voting members (ALL physicians) will be expected to pay the current physician dues ($475/year) Non-voting members will continue to pay dues at their current level (i.e. Associate Members=$250) Composition of the BOT Currently, the OMA’s BOT is comprised of 5 officers that include the following: Immediate Past President, President, President-Elect, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer These officers comprise the Executive Committee and they are all physicians. There are 7 remaining BOT members. Of these, 6 seats are held by physicians, and 1 seat is held by a member of the NP/PA membership. The final BOT member who may be appointment by the BOT at the BOT’s discretion is considered an Ex-Officio physician member for a total of 13 BOT members . The new bylaws allow for an additional non-physician seat on the BOT in addition to the current seat for non-physician members for a total of 14 BOT members . Neither of the non physician seats are allowed to serve on the Executive Committee (officers).

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