10.25.2023 OMA Board Book
level of review of any educational or messaging materials tied to these bylaw changes to ensure clarity of messaging for the OMA Membership. Ms. Fraker notes that the OMA staff will develop the initial materials for the messaging around these bylaws changes which will be presented to the BOT before distribution to the OMA Membership. Further, Mrs. Fraker clarifies with the BOT that with the adoption of these bylaws, the two non-physician seats on the BOT can be filled by any two non-physician voting members of the OMA. Finally, Dr. Censani requests that her FOMA designation be added to the signature line of the bylaws before the bylaws are officially signed by she and Dr. Fitch. BOT Travel Policy Mrs. Fraker addressed the proposed changes to the BOT Travel Policy, which has been reviewed by the OMA Policy Committee through the Policy Committee Chair, Dr. Lazarus. The BOT recommended that national (domestic, United States-based) airfare budget should be increased from $600 to $700 while the international airfare should remain the same at $1500. Further, the BOT discussed the daily meal allotment and agree that the amount should remain at $125 and should be spent on food, beverages, and snacks throughout the day as the BOT see fit. The BOT briefly discussed attendance of their spouses/significant others at the BOT Dinners when the BOT meets in person each fall and spring. Mrs. Fraker shared that the additional attendees were not accounted for in the 2023 budget, however, changes can be made for 2024 in the event a consensus is reached. The following were discussed by the BOT: - The BOT Dinner should remain strictly for BOT members as a thanks from the OMA for their service. - The BOT Dinner could extend an invite to spouses/significant others with the extra person(s) paying for their dinner. - The BOT Dinner could extend an invite to spouses/significant others with the costs covered by the OMA. - Instead of the OMA covering the costs of the BOT Dinner for spouses/significant others, OMA could cover the costs of these individuals at the OMA Member event as an alternative. In the interest of time and understanding that this specific topic was not addressed in the BOT Travel Policy, this topic was tabled at the present time. Continued deliberation will occur pending preparations for the fiscal year 2024 budget. Motion to approve the revised BOT Travel Policy with the amendment of increasing the national travel (domestic United States airfare) allotment to a $700 maximum and the lifting of any restrictions from the $125.00 daily meal allowance as presented was seconded and the motion passed without opposition. Position Statement Proposal The proposal regarding the process for the development of Position Statements was presented and the motion to charge the Policy Committee with the addition of Dr. Bays as Editor-in-Chief of
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