10.25.2023 OMA Board Book
Obesity Pillars to the Policy Committee to create a formal policy regarding the process to develop OMA Position Statements was seconded and passed without opposition, however, the discussion as noted below was initiated by Dr. Bays. Dr. Bays cautions the group on developing a new process, as he believes that the OMA currently has an efficient process that produces high quality statements which have been well received by the OMA Membership and others. Additionally, other BOT members shared that they too believe that the current processes are working well, but that a written and formalized policy can only further benefit the OMA. IT and Marketing Updates Ms. Fraker highlights that due to an increase in retainer fees from the OMA’s external public relations (PR) firm, the OMA has moved its PR efforts inside of the organization, effective January of 2023. Thus far in 2023, the OMA has surpassed their social media mentions in comparison to the entire year of 2022 with the previous PR firm. Further, Ms. Fraker showcased a few of the OMA’s PR highlights of 2023 including the various article features and television appearances made by various BOT members in addition to other OMA members. Ms. Fraker also shared changes to OMA staff, which include the addition of a Marketing Coordinator/Graphic Designer and a Manager of Business Development and Sales. Relative to PR efforts, the Cision software being utilized is of great assistance in getting the OMA the exposure and recognition that has been helpful in elevating the OMA’s overall brand recognition and value. Lastly, Ms. Fraker touched on the new conference naming convention(s) and the Denver 2024 tagline and logo as the OMA moves to an annual conference construct. Regarding IT updates, the OMA has launched a new Association Management System (AMS) and Learning Management System (LMS). OMA is undergoing a rigorous website refresh and redesign project that is planned to go live in December of 2023. The remaining IT products that will be introduced are under the Salesforce ecosystem, both of which will be assisting with marketing automation and sales/business development endeavors. Treat or Refer Campaign Ms. Fraker updated the BOT on the progress that has been made thus far on treat or refer campaign in conjunction with Project ECHO, of which the OMA is an ECHO Hub as initiated in the Spring of 2023. As such, she shared the proposal of adding a Project Manager to the OMA staffing structure whom would be dedicated to continuing with treat or refer efforts as well as any other projects and collaborations with other groups that the OMA is consistently approached about. The motion to approve the addition of a Project Manager to OMA staff outside of the fiscal year 2023 operational budget cycle with continued integration of this new staff member in the fiscal year 2024 operational budget was seconded and passed without opposition.
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