12.18.23 OMA Board Book

Finalization of the OMA’s Four Core Pillars Nomenclature Mrs. Fraker highlights the new graphic produced for OMA’s Four Core Pillars and asks the BOT to finalize the sub-bullet nomenclature underneath the pillar of “Medical Interventions”. The board discussed the various options possible and their respective implications with education and communication of the four core pillars. Motion to name the sub-bullets under the pillar of “Medical Interventions” as follows: • Medication Management • Bariatric Procedures • Complication Management Motion passed. Finance Committee Report The 2022 financial audit documents and the 8/18/2023 Finance Committee meeting minutes were presented to the BOT for review in the BOT meeting packet. Dr. Censani covered the details of the financial audit by providing a thorough breakdown of the statistics and their significance to the OMA. She shares that the Finance Committee accepts and approves the financial audit conducted by Rubin Brown and that as such, Ms. Fraker will sign attestation documents on behalf of the OMA for certification. Motion to approve the OMA 2022 Financial Audit. Motion passed. ACLM + OMA (+ other societies) Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) for Type II Diabetes Collaboration Dr. Alexander shared that the OMA is being asked to collaborate with the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) along with other professional societies to provide an opinion for the CPGs on “Lifestyle Medicine for Treatment and Remission of Type II Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes in Adults.” Dr. Alexander informed the group that ACLM is looking for OMA to nominate someone from membership to serve on their development group. OMA Bylaws Changes Communication Plan Considerations Mrs. Fraker shared the drafted communication plan prepared to address the BOT approved bylaw changes with OMA membership. Mr. Wilson shares logistics of the membership vote particular to number of votes that must be garnered, etc. and he will follow up with further specificity to this regard according the Colorado nonprofit statues. Suggestions provided by the BOT included the following: An FAQ section to address the “why” of this change inclusive of the additional non-physician BOT seat, differences in costs for voting versus nonvoting, the importance of AMA representation, the fact that the OMA is primarily a physician-led organization, and the like. Dr. Fitch may also want to


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