2021-04-21 OMA Agenda - Board of Trustees

Journal of Obesity Medicine Association Discussion was had regarding the formation of the JOMA (Journal of Obesity Medicine Association). Supporting documents from Ms. Crist, Elsevier, and Dr. Bays, were provided to the board prior to the meeting. The board discussed the publisher’s proposal, and what this includes, and how to move forward. The Board expressed support for the major components of the Elsevier publishing proposal and agreed that the Scope and Aims are to be reviewed in greater detail at a later date and put before the Board for formal approval when the development process for a potential journal is further along. Dr. Bays was recused from the call to manage any potential conflict of interest pertaining to the editor- in-chief role. Discussion was had regarding pay ranges and researching potential pay for the editor-in-chief position, conflicts of interest for the position, application process, role of the editor-in-chief, and developing the various job descriptions for JOMA. A decision was made to set up a task force or committee to consider these issues in greater detail and bring back recommendations to the Board. Those wanting to join the committee/task force are to email Dr. Primack.

New/Other Business Ms. Hablutzel provided an update on the Spring conference

Call to Adjourn

Motion: Adjourn meeting at 6:40 PM (MT Motion: Dr. Harold Bays Second: Dr. Lydia Alexander

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