2022 Atlanta Board of Trustees Meeting

WHAT IS OMA’S INVESTMENT SPENDING DISTRIBUTION POLICY? (THIS TOPIC IS TO BE DISCUSSED ONLY IF ASKED) Funds more than the reserve fund balance (the “investment fund”) shall annually distribute an amount equal to 4 % of the investment fund’s balance as of December 31 each year. The spending rate will be reviewed annually considering evolving trends with respect to investment returns, OMA needs, and the rate of inflation. Adjustments will be made when appropriate. The resulting amount, “distribution from investment fund” shall be available for accomplishing various projects and tasks as the Board designates from year to year. Distributions from the Investment Fund will be maintained as a clearly specified revenue line item on the profit and loss statement. Any portion of the annual distributable funds not distributed in any given year will be retained in The Investment Fund for expenditures in future years, upon recommendation of the Board of Trustees. WHAT ARE THE 5 BOTTOMLINE TAKEAWAY MESSAGES THE OMA TREASURER SHOULD CONVEY TO THE OMA BOARD OF TRUSTEES AFTER THE SUMMARY GIVEN BY THE OMA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR? 1) Discuss noteworthy revenue and expense items in prior year budget that were substantially more or less than budgeted 2) From an operational standpoint, and independent of investment deposits and withdrawals, in the past year: o Did OMA meet its prior year projected budget? o Did OMA make or lose money? (“Net Ordinary Income”) 3) Independent of investment deposits and withdrawals, what was the change in investment value? (Page #4 of the Stifel report) 4) Taking all things into account (Investments and Operations), is the net worth of OMA more or less than the year before and by how much? 5) In the forthcoming year, independent of anticipated money deposited to investments or withdrawn from investments, is OMA budgeted to make or lose money and by how much? WHAT IS THE NAME OF OMA’S ACCOUNTING FIRM AND HOW OFTEN DOES THE ACCOUNTING FIRM REVIEW OMA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS? The Accounting Department for Non- Profits is OMA’s account ant firm and their website is as noted here: https://www.ad-nfp.com/ This firm reviews OMA’s financial statements on a monthly basis & they produce multiple reports for us on both a monthly as well as an annual basis.


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