4.19.2023 Board Book

- OMA leadership attendance at other society’s meetings (EASO, TOS, ASMBS, etc.) was discussed. The board prefers having one to two attendees/representatives at other organization’s conferences in order to increase OMA recognition in particular as this is in alignment with OMA’s strategic plan. Motion to approve the FY2023 budget as presented by: Dr. Cuda

Second: Dr. Bays Discussion: None Vote: No Objections

Executive Committee (EC) Meeting Cadence for 2023 Dr. Fitch shared that the Executive Committee (EC) will begin meeting on 4 th Thursday of each month at 5pm ET beginning in January 2023. These meetings are open for anyone on the board to attend but are not required for those board members who are not part of the EC. The minutes from the EC meetings will be shared with all members of the board. Treat and Refer Campaign Next Steps Dr. Fitch and Dr. Primack shared their vision regarding the treat and refer campaign/project noting that the next steps of the project consist of solidifying the proposal for this campaign in order to get feedback from the BOT. Following this, Dr. Primack highlighted the importance of working on a website and the messaging to our audiences (clinicians and patients alike). Grant Acquisition in order to fiscally support this campaign is expected to come from Eli Lilly, Pfizer, or Novo Nordisk, etc. Obesity Medicine (OM) Standards Development In terms of the OMA leading the development of OM Standards, the BOT discussed what OMA’s role should be. Some board members believe that we should absolutely take a leading stance while others expressed some reservations. There was discussion on the OMA providing our own definitive set of opinions to the public in order to help advise clinicians who are not necessarily OM specialists but instead are clinicians who are seeking to better navigate the field of OM. There was also discussion as to whether a set of guidelines/standards could be limiting for OM specialists whose methods of practice do not align with evidence-based OM practices. The board agrees that creation of such standards could be a unique opportunity to collaborate with other societies, but we should proceed carefully and to remain in alignment with OMA’s strategic plan.

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