4.19.2023 Board Book
OMA Educational Conference(s) Planning Task Force Recommendations March 2023
Submitted by: Dr. Angela Fitch, President, OMA
Summary: The OMA Educational Conference(s) Planning Task Force met in January of 2023 and the conclusions of that meeting as well as work done beyond that meeting have determined that there is a need for three individual groups whose focus is to address OMA Educational Content (including conferences, educational products, etc.) needs. See below for high-level descriptions of these various groups’ work, expectations, and the recommended members (as applicable). OMA Conference Advisory Group (CAG): This group will serve as a high-level advisory group for content specifically to the OMA’s Annual Conference (commencing in 4/2024) as well as OMA’s “Fall Focused” Conference (commencing in 10/2024). This group would begin meeting approximately 15 months before the Annual Conference, with associated deadlines and deliverables specifically related to the conferences and the OMA President will serve as the Chair of the GAG.
Members of the CAG include: • OMA Clinical Education Director: Dr. Nick Pennings • OMA President: Dr. Angela Fitch
• OMA President-Elect: Dr. Lydia Alexander • OMA Chief Science Officer: Dr. Harold Bays • OMA BOT Liaison to CME Overview Committee: Dr. Michelle Freshwater
• 3 “voice of the customer” persons who are OMA members and are extremely familiar with OMA’s conferences as well as expertise regarding specific scientific (and other) activity occurring in the field of obesity medicine who can serve as advisors to the CAG. A potential consideration is to invite the “voice of the customer” members whom the OMA BOT have identified as potential members for future leadership opportunities within the OMA BOT or other areas. These members will be appointed by the OMA President . Dr. Fitch’s suggested members: Drs. Jennifer Paisley or Dominique Williams (for pediatric representation), Lori Wenz, NP (for NP/PA representation), Drs. Craig Primack or Debbie Horn (representing OMA Past Presidents), Drs. Cate Varney or Chris Weber • OMA Education Staff
GAG Term: One year on a calendar year rotation; the group will convene on January 1 st of each year, and they would rotate off on December 31 st of the same year.
OMA Education Content Working Group: This group will be comprised of 6-8 members including the Chair, who will be Dr. Nick Pennings, OMA Clinical Education Director. Outside of the chair, this working group will be selected based on OMA members who wish to be considered via self nomination, and based on the nominations, the final group will be selected by the OMA President, OMA Education Director, and the OMA Education Staff. Members of this group will be
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