4.19.2023 Board Book
OMA Executive Committee (EC) Meeting Minutes February 23 rd , 2023 3:00pm – 4:00pm MST Held Virtually: https://obesitymedicine org.zoom.us/j/89073362133?pwd=eHNDaGRvWDcvcDlrZTZjdFVMNENhZz09
Call to Order: The EC meeting was called to order at 3:03 pm (MST) by Presiding Officer, Dr. Angela Fitch. Attendees: Dr. Angela Fitch, Dr. Ethan Lazarus, Dr. Lydia Alexander, Dr. Marisa Censani, Dr. Harold Bays, Mrs. Teresa Fraker (OMA Executive Director), and Ms. Lydia Haile (OMA Operations Specialist). Opening Remarks: The EC briefly discusses the standard procedure for these meetings and meeting minutes distribution. Mrs. Fraker shares that Dr. Censani reviews OMA’s minutes and after her approval, the minutes are shared with the EC and BOT. Development of an OMA Position Statement on Compounded Semaglutide and Tirzepatide: - Dr. Fitch shares that she has been working on a position statement on compounded Semaglutide and Tirzepatide with Dr. Auriemma to present to the BOT. They are interested in publishing this document but are seeking perspective from the EC on this course of action. Dr. Lazarus shares that he would prefer a scientific statement in lieu of a general position statement. Dr. Bays shares that the OMA can do an evidence-based and patient-centered statement in Obesity Pillars using the announcement format. The EC also discussed potentially stepping outside of the obesity arena and publishing in journals such as JAMA to widen our reach. - Mrs. Fraker asks the EC if exhibitors that use or promote compounds should be allowed on the floor during conference. The EC shares their reservations and Dr. Fitch expresses that the creation of a statement on compounding medications can serve as OMA’s foundation for the exhibitor review process. The EC discussed the benefits of potentially editing our existing vendor policy to establish a standard protocol for all exhibitors. OM Standards Development and Collaboration w/other Obesity Societies: - Dr. Fitch shared updates in regard to the development of Obesity Medicine Standards. She described that OMA, TOS, and Obesity Canada would be the primary organizations that would seek to form a steering committee. Each organization on the steering committee would raise funds from their respective resources that would be put towards organizing and overseeing various working groups. This effort would likely require OMA to keep open the OTF versus closing OTF as previously discussed. - The EC largely approves of this work, sharing that collaboration with other obesity organizations increases the strength of the collective message. However, some EC members expressed hesitancy due to the response from when OMA presented the Obesity
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