02.29.24 OMA Board Book
Motion to approve the FY2024 Budget. Motion passed.
2024 Committee Chairs, Committee Members, and BOT Liaisons: The BOT discussed the committee rosters for 2024, including the rotation of committee chairs and changes with various board liaisons. Dr. Fitch will replace Dr. Alexander on the Outreach Committee (due to Dr. Alexander’s upcoming Presidency), Dr. Auriemma will serve as the board liaison to the CME Overview Committee, Dr. Shetye will join Ms. Christensen on the DEI Committee, and Dr. Freshwater will temporarily support the CIT Committee until she rotates off of the OMA’s BOT in April of 2024. Motion to approve the 2024 Committee Rosters. Motion passed. AMA Updates: Dr. Lazarus and Dr. Francavilla-Brown shared details from the November 2023 American Medical Association (AMA) interim meeting held in Washington D.C. It was a very productive endeavor and several resolutions were passed. Dr. Auriemma was unable to attend this meeting. Obesity Pillars Updates: Dr. Bays discussed the recent achievement of the journal in that it is now being indexed by PubMed. This accomplishment is one of many, including: eight completed volumes with volume nine set to begin in January in 2024, the production of over 20 clinical practice statements, and a review time of 22 days. Further, Obesity Pillars’ first collaboration with Obesity Canada was successful with the production of five publications in 2023. The journal also has ongoing collaborations with the National Lipid Association and the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians. Additionally, Dr. Bays outlines plans to register with Scopus and the Directory of Open Access Journals. With regard to challenges, Dr. Bays mentions that although Obesity Pillars has become PubMed indexed, the journal is yet to receive its impact factor. This poses some difficulties as Obesity Pillars will be applying for this scoring in mid-2024 and it is likely that there will be a response in 2025 or 2026. Further, without an impact factor it can be difficult to get cited in other scholarly journals. Dr. Bays mentions that he would like to consider collaborating with The Obesity Society (TOS) on a joint clinical perspective regarding the clinical condition of fatty liver. Motion to invite TOS to collaborate on a joint clinical perspective regarding the clinical condition of fatty liver. Motion passed. - Dr. Fitch is set to aid Dr. Bays in this endeavor with TOS. - Dr. Bays further shared that they are looking for both an adult and pediatric perspective so he will work directly with Dr. Cuda or Dr. Censani on this topic as well. Corporate Council (CC) Meetings: Mrs. Fraker shared the date and time of the Corporate Council Meetings for 2024, which include the dates of: 01/25/2024 5:00-6:00 PM ET and 7/25/2024 5:00-6:00 PM ET. Dr. Lazarus suggests that the CC meetings be more casual by allowing each group to have the floor in 15-minute increments to ask the BOT anything that may be top of mind for the CC.
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