4.19.2023 Board Book
OMA Executive Committee (EC) Meeting Minutes March 23 rd , 2023 5:00-6:00 PM ET Held Virtually: https://obesitymedicine org.zoom.us/j/89073362133?pwd=eHNDaGRvWDcvcDlrZTZjdFVMNENhZz09 Call to Order: The EC meeting was called to order at 5:02 pm (ET) by Presiding Officer, Dr. Angela Fitch. Attendees: Dr. Angela Fitch, Dr. Ethan Lazarus, Dr. Lydia Alexander, Dr. Marisa Censani, Dr. Harold Bays, Mrs. Teresa Fraker (OMA Executive Director), and Ms. Lydia Haile (OMA Operations Specialist). Opening Remarks: N/A Development of an OMA Position Statement on Compounded Medications: - EC members shared that the feedback received regarding OMA’s position statement on compounded medications has been popular and that this was something that needed to be published for both clinicians and patients alike. Given the emerging presence of the OMA’s scholarly journal, the EC suggests sharing the position statement in Obesity Pillars . Furthermore, the EC shares that an action item for this topic would be asking the Advocacy Committee to produce a patient facing/patient-friendly handout based on the statement as well. Education Task Force (Conference Planning): - Dr. Fitch outlined the framework for the Education Task Force and this source document was also provided ahead of the meeting for discussion purposes. She highlights the Conference Advisory Group (CAG) that will serve as a high-level advisory group for content specifically related to OMA’s Annual Conference, starting in April of 2024. The CAG would ideally consist of appointed individuals (including NP and pediatric representation to highlight the various voices of the OMA membership.) - Dr. Fitch shares that given ACCME’s requirement for a front-end and back-end CME structure, this proposal would work to fulfill that requirement for the OMA. The proposal suggests having the current CME Overview Committee be responsible for reviewing CME content and evaluating it for accuracy and alignment along with the creation of the Education Content Working Group that would be responsible for reviewing proposals that come in, updating infographics, and overseeing outgoing information. The Education Content Working Group would be a volunteer-based group with members potentially reimbursed for their time via an honorarium. Together, the Conference Advisory Group (CAG), the CME Overview Committee, and the Education Content Working Group would serve a multilayered approach to organizing the educational content for OMA’s conferences as well as OMA’s educational products. - The EC members shared that this is nicely designed and represents a well thought out plan for the OMA’s future.
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