4.19.2023 Board Book
Allow both categories to serve on and chair various OMA committees. Do not allow the full fee voting portion of the non physician membership to climb above 40% of the total membership . The non-voting membership category is unlimited. Only allow physician members to remain non voting for the first 3 years in the OMA should they choose as a new member. After 3 years, physicians become voting members. (This serves as a new member or “early career” discount that currently does not exist in OMA’s membership categories) Grandfather those existing physician members as voting members (for example, they could not “switch” to the lower fee when renewal of dues occurs for them). These “grandfathered” physicians would not have a choice other than the voting members category. The only physicians who would be allowed to use the 3-year non-voting “grace period” would be new OMA physician members (regardless of their years in practice) as well as early career
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